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Divide and Conquer DP

Divide and Conquer is a dynamic programming optimization.


Some dynamic programming problems have a recurrence of this form:


where C(k,j) is a cost function and dp(i,j)=0 when j<0.

Say 0i<m and 0j<n, and evaluating C takes O(1) time. Then the straightforward evaluation of the above recurrence is O(mn2). There are m×n states, and n transitions for each state.

Let opt(i,j) be the value of k that minimizes the above expression. Assuming that the cost function satisfies the quadrangle inequality, we can show that opt(i,j)opt(i,j+1) for all i,j. This is known as the monotonicity condition. Then, we can apply divide and conquer DP. The optimal "splitting point" for a fixed i increases as j increases.

This lets us solve for all states more efficiently. Say we compute opt(i,j) for some fixed i and j. Then for any j<j we know that opt(i,j)opt(i,j). This means when computing opt(i,j), we don't have to consider as many splitting points!

To minimize the runtime, we apply the idea behind divide and conquer. First, compute opt(i,n/2). Then, compute opt(i,n/4), knowing that it is less than or equal to opt(i,n/2) and opt(i,3n/4) knowing that it is greater than or equal to opt(i,n/2). By recursively keeping track of the lower and upper bounds on opt, we reach a O(mnlogn) runtime. Each possible value of opt(i,j) only appears in logn different nodes.

Note that it doesn't matter how "balanced" opt(i,j) is. Across a fixed level, each value of k is used at most twice, and there are at most logn levels.

Generic implementation

Even though implementation varies based on problem, here's a fairly generic template. The function compute computes one row i of states dp_cur, given the previous row i1 of states dp_before. It has to be called with compute(0, n-1, 0, n-1). The function solve computes m rows and returns the result.

int m, n;
vector<long long> dp_before, dp_cur;

long long C(int i, int j);

// compute dp_cur[l], ... dp_cur[r] (inclusive)
void compute(int l, int r, int optl, int optr) {
    if (l > r)

    int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
    pair<long long, int> best = {LLONG_MAX, -1};

    for (int k = optl; k <= min(mid, optr); k++) {
        best = min(best, {(k ? dp_before[k - 1] : 0) + C(k, mid), k});

    dp_cur[mid] = best.first;
    int opt = best.second;

    compute(l, mid - 1, optl, opt);
    compute(mid + 1, r, opt, optr);

long long solve() {

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        dp_before[i] = C(0, i);

    for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) {
        compute(0, n - 1, 0, n - 1);
        dp_before = dp_cur;

    return dp_before[n - 1];

Things to look out for

The greatest difficulty with Divide and Conquer DP problems is proving the monotonicity of opt. One special case where this is true is when the cost function satisfies the quadrangle inequality, i.e., C(a,c)+C(b,d)C(a,d)+C(b,c) for all abcd. Many Divide and Conquer DP problems can also be solved with the Convex Hull trick or vice-versa. It is useful to know and understand both!

Practice Problems
